Friday, April 24, 2009
pablo picasso
Pablo Picasso was born in Spain 1884 his father was a artist and his mother had long black hair and black eyes. after a couple of years Picasso was known for caring more of his art than his family but when his sister was born that was the first thing that Picasso would paint his sister over and over again that was his favert thing was that. when Picasso started to get older his paintings started to get even better and they had to use the painting for there rent in stead of money. they moved to La Coruna then to Barcelona. when he was 18 he went to this rich art school for a couple of years he was very interested in the art museum and all of the artist work. when he was older he went to Paris were he spent most of his time then when the holidays he would go to Spain. when he goes back to Paris were he goes to art shows. later in his life he fell in love with a woman called Francoise Gilot who was a young French woman and she loved animals. while Pablo would take animals off the street so he had a lot of animals when there was no food his cat came to the rescue and brought a long string of food. in 1907 Picasso started to do cubism and that became famous he would make sculptures and very big pictures about 10 maybe 7 feet high. during the time of war when Hitler started to attack all of the countries and massacred almost all of the people away from Germany like Great Britain after all of that when Hitler committed suicide after all of that Germany was defeated and pablo started to do art again like later he did another war one and every one start to dislike what he had just painted because no one wanted to be reminded about the war with Hitler. he as a old friend that lives in America that was a and hername was Jacqueline Roque was 40 years younger than pablo and i think she married him and had 2 children.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
fractions mathematical
for fraction there are many different way to make one for example if some take 3/4 of a pie it wouldn't be fair to the other person if they only got 1/4 but add those up and you get 1 whole pie (3/4+1/4=1 whole).There is one fraction that is called an improper fraction that looks like this 14/5you would start dividing 14 by 5 and get 2with a for left so it would be 2 whole 4/5. in the world of science they normally use decimals in stead of fraction for there experiment this is what it looks like this 0.2 there are some thing that you can't put in to a decimal and that is 0.6666666 but you can do this 0.666... which keeps on going. the Egyptians use hieroglyphs for there fraction. the egyptian used harder fraction like 1/168 which was 5/7=1/3+1/4+1/8+1/168 and that some hard fraction.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
about Michelle Kwan(autobiography)
Michelle Kwan started to ice skate when she was 5 years old. Michelle started to compete in competitions and nationals when she was 12 years old. Michelle mom and dad wee born in china her mom was born in hong kong and her dad lived in Guangzhou after a couple of of years her father moved to hong kong and there families were friend her mothers family.her sister Karen also does ice skating and started to do competitions and national at 14 years old and her brother Ron who does hockey at 16 years old he was the one that got Michelle and Karen to love ice skating. for when Michelle went to her first competitions she won the gold metal but she also got a lot of silver in 1995 or 1996 she became the world champion. after that she started to wonder if she made a bad choices so she went to her dad for help he told her and she fix it. Michelle was on of the youngest ice skater.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
the day of the zombie move
i think it was a couple of weeks that me and my family went to a place were are dad friend was directing and in the move himself. it was called dozer its about a group of people that have these sort of this bandied on there skin and makes them go crazy it was really fun. i really hope that it comes out in theaters but after words we got pizza nice tasty pizza.
the science show
yesterday we went to a science show it was a little bit cool but it would have been better if the school kids would not make a lot of noise and if this one girl would stop making a face me my dad and my brother. other than that this guy mix chemicals and used a lot of other things that kids would play. later in the show he made an electric pickle that smoked and glowed it was so cool.
Monday, April 6, 2009
the other green house gases (discovery)
when people think of climate they think of the co2 but co2 represents 77% of the man made greenhouse gas emission and its relative contribute was declining. some people think that there are different gases like nf3 which is increasing every year all over the globe. which is probably interfering with the climate. nf3 is 550 years old and can trap heat 17,000 times better than co2 can. we know that there is 10x more or less amount of nf3 than there is of co2
cloning the dead (discovery)
scientist have frozen mice for 16 years and discovered that they were able to clone pups. they found out that the egg cells and the stem cells do not get damaged at all. scientist think that if they were able to find away to bring the extinct animals back to life like the mammoth, frozen feline, or frozen fish back to life. the experiment that did on the mice was that they would use brain cells to bring them back from the dead and they did but the mouse would go directly to adult hood.
plastic labs (discovery)

parents have switched from there children using plastic to metal water bottles to protect there kids from bisphenol and phthalates. this is because of the plastics hardening chemical and are suspecting and poising health risk. now scientist have revels that the plastic is causing problems in the lab and with the lab equipment. scientist are trying to find away to prevent bacteria from getting on the the equipment. so know people are thinking that they should switch back to using the glass equipment.
from tar with teeth (discovery)
there was cat skull that was found in Venezuela last summer and it was the only one of its kind to show up. this discovery of the ancient feline known as Homotherium genus. the pit of tar that the feline came from may still cauntain million year old fossils . the cat skull was found in august 12, 2008.
mountaintops sentinels (discovery)
when night falls German, Canada, France and Hawaii all have there telescopes on and German recently captured exoplanets orbiting around a star 140 light years away. the telescope laser guide star system the uses adaptive optics that creates an ultra shape image and wich will cuase a disorientation by earths atmosphere. the Mauna Kea which is home to the largest astronomical observation which is a dormant volcano.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
world oldest arrowhead (discovery)
in may on the east coast of south Africa there was a discovery of an old arrowhead was found. about 60,000 years ago when the stone age people was here and throwing spears at there prey.there was culture that would use arrows 20,000 years before the bow actually caught any thing. there was a slit differences between the late stone head and the early stone head . one of the early arrowheads have a much smaller stone so it would be easy to shoot.
reptile sets speed record for dna change (disovery)
this lizard is often called a living fossil it is because the tuatara looks as if it hadn't changed in the 200 million years of that kind. but appearances can be quit deceiving.the tuatara is actually faster than its ancestored. this lizard 9,000 has developed to be 50% more quicker than the other ones. given the high rate of evolution, the stable morphology of the tuatara over ten of million years is very remarkable.
how mars got lopsided (discovery)

for more than 30 year astronomers have known that mars is lopsided. the southern highland covers about 2/3 of mars which is about 2 1/2 miles higher then the northern plains. but until now, whether disparity was causing an asteroid impact or a volcanic action on the surface of mars which has dispute. when this happened there was a huge scar on the northern half.the northern plains form an elliptical depression 6,600miles long and 4,000 miles wide and since there are crater people think that there was an widespread volcanism. the craters were formed about 4 billion years ago.
black holes birth baby stars (discovery)

at the center of the black hole there is a ultra massive amounts of young powerful stars which should not even be there. the young stars are living under a gravitational conditions that should not even permit the proses of the star formation. there were clouds that would plunge right to the black hole. the gravitational force would rip the clouds in to pieces the black hole can stay the same shape because it has its own temperature.
shark bites are the strongest bite on earth (discovery)

scientist have calculated the force of a great white shark bite.the great white shark is probably one of the most powerful shark in the ocean and out of all the extinct animal. a normal size of a great white shark is 8ft long and 530ib, one of the enormous great white shark is 21ft long and 7,300ib and one of the longest living shark which is able to open it mouth 35 degree wide and squeeze it prey with about 4,000 pounds of force.every one know that a great white shark can bite hard enough to kill any human . The great whites are able to kill any thing above water like a bird flying close to the water.
Friday, April 3, 2009
what is in a sperm whale head (science illustration)
The sperm whale has a oily wax in its head the oil is found in two separate organs. One of the organs is called a case it like this huge champer, the second is the junk it is this big junk of blubber very blubbery. The air passes through the phonic lip which will create a loud sound.All of the organ in a sperm whales head is the blow hole, phonic lip, sound, case, air sack and the junk. There are 300,000 sperm whales left there range is world wide. I think in the early 1900's there was a lot of people who would hunt the male sperm whale.
call of the wild dolphine communication (science illustration)

The bottlenose dolphins which is considered to be the toothed whale, they will spend most of there time in little groups called a pod. In a pod there will be about 15 or less dolphins. Different dolphins will run into each other and i think from there on will be a big pod. under water the dolphins have there own signature whistle and when the mother and its calf the mother may whistle continuously over and over again until the calf can identify the mother. Then they can mimic one another's signature. biologists have realized that one dophine says its signature and then another dolphine whistle an identical response. Dolphins can see the human skeleton and heart they take interest in a pregnant women because they see the kid in the woman. Dolphins are said to have helped people get to the shore and to scare sharks away.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
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