Tuesday, August 25, 2009

districted 9 the movie

in the beginning of districted 9 all the humans in the could see a ship and the government would send out lots of helicopters to communicate with the aliens. after awhile the people in the helicopter would cut in to the ship to find all of the aliens around many fires and all terribly sick.so those people would take the aliens down to the ground and treat there sickness it was at that moment were the government would not let the alien go home. so the MNU made districted 9 and there were these humans who would kill the aliens and and eat them to gain there power. when the MNU
sent to men to the district and have the alien sign some form for something some would just hit the form but one actually hit a French guy it was before when the French man found a tube and when he looked at it he got spread with some sort of black liquid. when he was at the hospital and when they took off the bandage that was around his arm to find out that it was now a alien arm and he was sent of to some sort of lap and was tested on but when they were about to take his heart out of him he went crazy. later in the move too aliens are about to be going home and succeeded. manly the movie is about humans using the aliens for there weapons and to figure out how to get there dna in there body's to use the weapons. style="font-style:italic;">

1 comment:

  1. Awesome sweety! Now tell me what you thought the movie was about ... what did you get from it?
    Also if you need reference go read Xaviers' post and use it as a template to write your own thing. Also I am starting a discussion there about the movie and the meaning that might help you figure out what to write. and feel free to comment as well :)
